Indiana SNAC Partners
If you’re interested in learning how to become an agency partner involved with SNAC please contact:
Kia Bolden, MPH, CHES
SNAP-Ed Community Partnerships Coordinator
Indiana Department of Health
Statewide Support
American Heart Association
Kelli McCrary, Community Impact Director
kelli.mccrary@heart.org 317-732-4718
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Community Gardens
- Health Equity
- Clinic-based initiatives for blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes
- Hands Only CPR
- Workplace Health
Additional Information:
Excited to partner with organizations to have a greater impact than we would alone.
Feeding Indiana’s Hungry
Emily Weikert Bryant, Executive Director
info@feedingindianashungry.org 317-396-9365
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- State and federal legislation pertaining to all anti-hunger programs, working with in-state advocacy partners; we work with Feeding America, Food Research and Action Council (FRAC), Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), and MAZON on federal issues.
- Provide SNAP outreach materials and technical assistance to 8 member food banks not currently included in the state SNAP outreach plan, also made available publicly through the organization website.
- Lead Indiana Hunger Coalition with Indiana Community Action Poverty Institute to regularly update and inform stakeholders and communicate with state agency program staff.
Additional Information:
Feeding Indiana’s Hungry is the Partner State Association of the Feeding America Affiliate food banks serving Indiana. They serve 11 member food banks covering all 92 counties.
Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Hannah Kelley RD, LD; President 2021-2022
kelley@winnersdrinkmilk.com 317-842-7133
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Support the mission to optimize Indiana residents’ health through food and nutrition,
- Focus on individual well-being, healthy communities, and visionary solutions through RDN expertise
- Focus on public policy, diversity, equity & inclusion, and consumer-focused nutrition information
Additional Information:
In my volunteer work for the Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics I support our mission which is to optimize Indiana residents’ health through food and nutrition, with focus on: Individual well-being – healthy communities – visionary solutions through RDN expertise. We are a statewide association and have worked with groups like: Hoosier Health and Wellness Alliance, Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Stroke Coalition of Indiana, Indiana School Nutrition Association, as well as several Universities across the state. We have focus areas that include Public Policy, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and consumer focused nutrition information.
Indiana Department of Education
Fern Bachner, Child & Adult Care Food Program Nutrition Specialist
fbachner@doe.in.gov 317-234-0867
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Improving the health and well being of Indiana’s citizens, especially children
- Close work with food service professionals in a variety of settings, including public and private schools, day care organizations, and other nonprofit organizations that serve nutritious meals to eligible recipients
- The Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults who are enrolled for care at participating child care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers. CACFP also provides reimbursements for meals served to children and youth participating in after school care programs, children residing in emergency shelters
Indiana Department Of Health (IDOH)
Joyce Fillenwarth, Indiana State Office Rural Health Manager
jfillenwarth@health.in.gov 317-233-7734
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
My Small Hospital Improvement Grant for hospitals with 49 beds or less. Within this educational grant, we have had hospitals express interest with assistance in providing nutritious food options/education through their local pantries, etc.
Naima Gardner, MPH; SNAP-Ed and Nutrition Programs Director
NGardner1@health.in.gov 317-234-3498
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
Indiana Grown for Schools – leading farm to school efforts for IDOH. We recently created a Buyer’s Guide for school food service directors to connect them with local producers and hopefully increase the amount of Indiana grown food in school cafeterias throughout the state. We also lead the Indiana Grown for Schools Network and recently launched a farm to school website (Ingrown4schools.com).
Community Compass – involved in the development of an app that will connect limited-resource individuals and families to emergency food assistance resources. Working closely with the City of Indianapolis, Indy Hunger Network, Level Up, and Connect2Help.
SNAP-Ed – supervise our SNAP-Ed team here at IDOH. I act as the main point of contact between IDOH and Purdue Extension.
Cooking Matters – oversee mini grants throughout the state for organizations who we fund to teach Cooking Matters courses in their communities.
Food Access and healthy equity efforts – involved in our internal health equity council here at IDOH; and very passionate about food access and food justice throughout the state of Indiana.
Trauma-informed nutrition education – coordinating a training for Purdue’s Nutrition Education Program staff facilitated by Leah’s Pantry.
Additional Information:
We have a lot of contacts throughout the state and have access to many resources that could be helpful to folks doing nutrition work. Please reach out to us as a starting point if you’re looking for partnership or assistance!
Jenna Sperry, MPH; Childhood Obesity Prevention Coordinator
jsperry@health.in.gov 317-2317-233-7580
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
Healthy Schools Toolkit (3rd Edition) – The Healthy Schools Toolkit is a comprehensive and Indiana-specific resource that provides guidance for school corporations to improve school wellness policies, environments, and healthy practices. The major components of the toolkit include guidance for school staff and relevant stakeholders on school wellness councils, physical activity, nutrition, family and community engagement, evaluation, and equity.
Indiana Healthy Schools Grant – The Healthy Schools Grant provides up to $10,000 per year for 3 years to a few Indiana schools or school corporations to take actions that improve their health environment in ways that promote nutrition and physical activity. The current grantees are on their 3rd year of funding.
School Wellness Policy Evaluation – School districts are required by law to have an established school wellness policy that covers nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other school activities that impact overall student wellness. The WellSAT 3.0 can be used score both the content of a wellness policy as well as the strength of the policy’s wording. The WellSAT results can then be used to create a set of policy recommendations for school board members to strengthen their wellness policies.
Lindsey Bouza, MPH, PAPHS; Director, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (DNPA)
lbouza@health.in.gov 317-234-3580
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Currently part of a USDA Farm to School Grant in which we have created a Buyer’s Guide and website to easily link food services directors with local farmers who want to sell their products to schools
- DNPA oversees the SNAP-Ed funding in Indiana, granting most to Purdue Extension, the implementing agency. We keep track of classes taught by Nutrition Education Program Assistants and also policy, system, and environmental changes related to nutrition and physical activity (examples being community gardens, work with food pantries, Farm to School, etc.)
- Partner with organizations to create healthy meeting guidelines for employee wellness and/or improve food service guidelines in workplaces.
Additional Information:
The DNPA focuses on a variety of nutrition topics, including Farm to School, nutrition in ECEs, worksites, schools, etc. One of our two main goals is to increase access to and consumption of healthy foods and beverages.
Ivy Egbo, RN, MPH; Cardiovascular Program Coordinator
iegbo@health.in.gov 317-234-1918
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
We work with state-funded Community Health Centers (CHC) on a CDC grant focused on the prevention and management of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Also included in this grant are patient referrals to evidence-based programs like Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed) and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). In addition to these programs, we are working on connecting our partnered Health Systems with other resources and nutrition-based educational programs.
Legita Wilson, WIC Commodities Program Manager
lwilson2@health.in.gov 317-233-2191
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Provision of nutrition education to Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) clients statewide through a grant agreement with Marion County Public Health Department, Nutrition Services
- FoodLink – A product of Purdue Agricultural Extension, which provides information on how to select, store, and prepare produce as well as nutritional value associated with each item
Additional information:
Indiana WIC serves the entire state of Indiana. Commodities Programs collaborate with food banks, WIC clinics, Area Agencies on Aging, USDA Food and Nutrition Services regional representatives, Midwest regional state agencies, Indiana state agencies such as the Department of Agriculture and Division of Family and Social Services Administration, and a variety of nonprofit entities to supply food and education to those most in need.
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
Nancy Ward, RN; Chief Nurse Consultant (retiring 9/22/23)/ Lacey Rivers
nancy.ward@fssa.in.gov ; lacey.rivers@fssa.in.gov 317-503-6519
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- I review the Nutrition/Food Service applications that licensed child care centers must submit to show they understand the regulations and responsibilities of feeding children
- Collaborate with other state and private agencies as nutrition and physical activity relates to children, especially early care and education
- Click HERE to learn more!
Additional Information:
The Chief Nurse Consultant acts as subject matter expert in health promotion for early care and education providers and OECOSL licensing consultants in a number of areas including nutrition. Collaboration occurs with IDOE via CACFP and with IDOH via Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Indiana Parks and Recreation Association
Lisa Nye, Executive Director
nancy.ward@fssa.in.gov 317-219-5272
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
The Parks and Recreation Association serves as a link to state-wide
physical activity opportunities for SNAC
Additional Information:
The Indiana Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) is a professional association representing over 1,600 park and recreation professionals throughout the state. Members include agency superintendents, directors, and other professional staff; corporate vendors that supply recreation equipment and professional services; elected officials; students; and citizen advocates.
No Kid Hungry Indiana
Tarrah Westercamp, School Program Manager
twestercamp@strength.org 765-265-3401
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- School Meals: Ensure all students have access to nutritious breakfasts and lunches at school.
- Out of School Time Meals: Ensure that all students have access to healthy meals when school is out, including after school and during summer and winter breaks.
- Meal Quality: Support efforts to ensure high quality meals for students by increasing knowledge of (1) healthy foods, (2) food systems and (3) school nutrition program efficacy.
- Emergency Food Systems: Strengthen connections between schools and community partners to support Hoosier families when crisis hits.
Additional Information:
The Indiana Partnership for Hunger-Free Students strives to eliminate hunger by engaging and educating key stakeholders, maximizing and sharing community resources, and advocating for systems change at the local, state, and federal levels.
The coalition coordinates statewide efforts to ensure that no child goes hungry in the state of Indiana. It is a dedicated group of stakeholders including school nutrition professionals, parents, students, educators, administrators, community advocates, health systems, and University partners.
Regional Task Forces are composed of on the ground partners and champions who work collaboratively to support schools interested in ensuring all kids start the day with the fuel they need to learn and grow through:
- Identifying and sharing resources, including funding
- Peer to peer learning
- Collaborative planning
Follow No Kid Hungry Indiana on Facebook!
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program (Leadership – Statewide Support)
Angie Abbott, EdD, RDN, CD; Assistant Dean College of Health and Human Sciences, Associate Director Purdue Extension
abbottar@purdue.edu 765-494-8252
Blake Connolly, MPH; Assistant Director, Nutrition Education Program
baconnol@purdue.edu 765-496-0483
Krystal Lynch, PhD, MPH; Research and Evaluation Specialist
lynch68@purdue.edu 317-233-1965
Marcia Sweet, Marketing and Communications Specialist
sweet10@purdue.edu 219-670-1301
Stephanie Faroh, MA, RDN, LD; Training Specialist
faroh@purdue.edu 812-345-3526
Steven O’Brien, MPH, MS, PHR; Research & Evaluation Specialist
Wanda Stevens, Assistant Director, Nutrition Education Program
wstevens@purdue.edu 765-494-1387
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that the leadership currently works on:
- We are currently partnering with RightFit in Marion County, whose mission includes enhancing a healthier community through a robust after-school program that encourages physical activity and healthy eating. The long-term goal is to make this program widely available to schools in communities with limited resources across Indiana. It would take great collaboration and funds from partners across the state to make this happen. The SNAC team may be a great resource in this important endeavor to make a healthy impact in the lives of Hoosier children!
- Many counties are working on improving nutrition and food access in the Schools. Examples include: working on food rescue in the cafeteria, healthy snack option policies, school gardens, healthy food options at lunch and breakfast. We have made a great partnership with No Kid Hungry to combat food access in schools.
- Many Community Wellness Coordinators (CWCs) are working on improving access to nutritious foods through healthy food donations at pantries, choice food pantries, farmer’s markets accepting SNAP/ WIC vouchers/Senior vouchers, double up buck programs and food hubs.
- Other CWC initiative types include: food prescription programs, community gardens, worksite wellness, healthy community designations, bike share
- Our Nutrition Education Program Assistants (NEPAs) are offering nutrition education classes/cooking demos for SNAP-Ed eligible clients in a variety of community settings: schools, public housing, WIC, libraries, food pantries, community centers, senior centers, health clinics, recovery centers, YMCAs. Our Regional Supervisors are each serving on their respective region’s Indiana Regional School Breakfast Task Force
- We are partnering with projects in Grant and Vermillion counties through the Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition of Indiana, Connections IN Health
Additional Information:
The Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program (NEP) works to improve the nutrition and health of audiences with limited resources in Indiana. We offer two major initiatives statewide to communities free of charge: nutrition education to youth and adults, and
community wellness initiatives collaborating with partners on policy, system and environmental changes. NEP is the SNAP-Ed and EFNEP implementing agency for the state of Indiana. We partner with IDOH as the SNAP-Ed state agency. Each year, we partner with hundreds of agencies and organizations to make a positive impact on public health to reach our limited-resource clientele. Reach out to schedule a class or connect!
American Dairy Association
Hanna Kelley, RD, LD; Director of Health and Wellness
kelley@winnersdrinkmilk.com 317-842-7133
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
In my work with the American Dairy Association Indiana, we work closely
with health and wellness providers, K-12 schools, hunger relief agencies,
government agencies and other statewide nutrition, education and
agriculture groups. We provide educational pieces, grant funding, and
convene thought leaders to share dairy nutrition and farming information
and to support mutual community goals. We have partnered with IDOE,
IDOH, IDOA, Purdue Extension, YMCA of Central Indiana, Feeding Indiana’s
Hungry, Gleaners Food Bank, Indianapolis Urban League, etc.
Learn more HERE
Central Indiana
City of Indianapolis
Milele Kennedy, CMP; Director of Community Nutrition and Food Policy
milele.kennedy@indy.gov Office: 317-274-4135 / Cell: 317-601-0315
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Top 10 Coalition – Nutrition Work Team
- Indiana Healthy Weight Initiative
- Indy Hunger Network – Board Member
- Indy Food Council – Advisory Board Member
Additional Information:
5 Year CDC Sodium Reduction in Communities Grant
Indy Hunger Network
Kate Howe, Managing Director
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Cooking Matters classes in Marion County
- Working with food pantries to improve the quality of food they provide and encourage implementation of healthy nudges at pantries
- Working with Marion County WIC and Indiana WIC on social media marketing campaign for WIC to increase enrollment
Additional Information:
The Indy Hunger Network is a coalition of hunger relief partners in the Greater Indianapolis area, working to ensure that all who are hungry have access to the nutritious food they need.
Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana
Sarah Wilson, RDN; Nutrition Manager
swilson@gleaners.org 317-925-0191 ext. 122
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Nutrition/Cooking Education
- Recipes, handouts, blog posts, cooking videos and more are shared on our NutritionHub website
- Summer Nutrition Club – nutrition education program for children at select community sites in Marion County
- Partner with Indy Hunger Network to host Cooking Matters classes at our on-site food pantry
- Nutrition Promotion/Nudges
- Developing a nutrition policy to guide our organization’s food procurement
- Using the HER Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System to nutritionally rank our inventory
- Training agencies on nutrition and health promotion in the pantry setting
- Health care partnerships
- Monthly trainings for pediatric residents, pharmacy students, medical interns, and other healthcare professionals on food insecurity screening, intervention, and advocacy
- Collaborations with various health care organizations to connect patients with convenient, nutritious food resources and explore data/referral sharing systems
Additional Information:
- Gleaners is a member of the Feeding America network of food banks. Our distribution center is located in Indianapolis, but we cover 21 counties throughout central and southeastern Indiana. We partner with over 300 local pantries, schools, faith-based, and community organizations in these counties to serve Hoosiers facing food insecurity.
- Gleaners operates the Fresh Connect Central cooperative from our warehouse. This allows us to acquire a variety of high-quality fresh produce, meat, and dairy products directly from farmers and distribute these nutritious foods in cost-effective mixed loads to our partners and other regional food banks.
Jump IN for Healthy Kids
Julie Burns, CEO
julie.burns@jumpinhealth.org 317-408-3107
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Partnering with the City of Indianapolis’ Division of Health and Safety, we are leading an effort to develop a new organizational infrastructure for the Indianapolis Food Council which will be called the Indianapolis Food Access Coalition.
- Developing funding to do an assessment on the sustainability of a regional food hub
- Developing a pilot to test a potential scalable solution for child care centers to consistently access meals that meet at a minimum CACFP guidelines
Additional Information:
- Our primary focus is central Indiana (Marion county and the 7 contiguous counties)
- Major partners include: IU Health, Health and Hospital, Eskenazi, St. Vincent, Community MCPHD, IU School of Public Health, Eli Lilly & Co.
- We also partner with more than 100 other organizations depending of the sector of work we are pursuing.
Kendrick Foundation
Keylee Wright, M.A.; Executive Director
kwright@kendrickfoundation.org 317-831-1232
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
We are partnering with the Barbara B. Jordan YMCA, Boys & Girls Club of Morgan County, Ruth Lilly Health Education at Marian University, Martinsville Youth Development Center, and IU Health Morgan to support nutrition-related initiatives.
Additional Information:
The mission of the Kendrick Foundation is to financially support education and initiatives that improve the physical and mental health of Morgan County residents. Our priority areas are substance abuse, mental health, and obesity.
Marion County Public Health Department
Michelle Shippy, MS, RDN; Nutrition Incentive Program Manager
mshippy@marionhealth.org 317-221-3527
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Fresh Bucks program
- Produce Prescription (Rx) program – Marion County currently
- Top 10 Coalition
- Indiana Nutrition Council
Additional Information:
Marion County Public Health Department focuses on local work in Marion County but happy to share information, successes, and ideas on replicating the work statewide. We partner with many organizations.
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program — Community Wellness Coordinators
Cori Chatterton, Community Wellness Coordinator for Marion County
cchatter@purdue.edu 317-750-3280
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Connect Excel Centers to meal services and other food resources to expand options for adults in school (and potentially their children in the attached day care) to have access to lunch as it is not provided
- Lead the Twin Aire Neighborhood Coalition (TANC) Livability Committee, focusing on improved healthy food access and mobility for lower income, limited-resource residents
- Collaborate with the other neighborhood applicants of the Equitable Food Access Initiative grant (funded by Anthem and directed by LISC) in a “community of practice” to navigate food justice and equity in Indianapolis
Additional Information:
Major partners of mine include Southeast Neighborhood Development (SEND), Southeast Community Services (SECS), SoIndy Health and Wellness Action Team, Twin Aire Neighborhood Coalition, Marion County Public Health Department, Indiana Department of Health, Top 10 Nutrition Coalition, and New Vision Missionary Baptist Church. I work mostly on the southeast side of Indy in Twin Aire, Christian Park, and Fountain Square.
Northwest Indiana
Katherine Byerly, Outreach and Enrollment Representative
kbyerly@healthlincchc.org 888-580-1060 ext.2296
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- HealthLinc Outreach Representatives maintain working relationships with service organizations in our communities, including food pantries and shelters. HealthLinc patients identified as having food and nutrition insecurities are directed to organizations that can assist them.
- Having an active presence within organizations such as the St. Joseph Food Access Council also allows HealthLinc to inform and educate individuals using these services on how HealthLinc can assist them with their healthcare needs, including COVID-19 testing and vaccinations.
Additional Information:
HealthLinc, Inc. is a not-for-profit Federally Qualified Health Center that provides primary medical, dental, optometry and behavioral health services to people of all ages regardless of a patient’s ability to pay. HealthLinc accepts Medicare, Medicaid, Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), most commercial insurance plans, and provides care for uninsured patients. Services will be provided on a sliding fee scale based on household size and income, regardless of a patient’s insurance status. HealthLinc currently has twelve clinics, two telehealth clinics, and one mobile medical/dental clinic located in northern Indiana.
Indiana Health Centers, Inc.
Lora Burke-Mulkey, RN; WIC Coordinator/Program Manager
lburke@ihcinc.org 765-864-4160 ext. 4233
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
We assign with the Food and Nutrition Program (FNP) in some counties. Last year in Grant County, WIC worked with the safety coalition of Marion General Hospital (MGH) on their yearly plan to help improve the health of our community. WIC contributed nutrition information for newborns to age 5 to be part of the project of a booklet that all parents with MGH providers could obtain with healthy guidelines. The book was completed and is being utilized. This year’s project is again, based on nutrition. The program is called Healthy Families of Hamilton County. Occasionally (as their meetings are inconsistent) we work with Partnership for a Healthier Hamilton County. It’s a food and nutrition focused group networking in the county. Groups talk about what they are doing or working on to promote good nutrition and health.
Additional Information:
We cover 7 counties, Howard, Tipton, Cass, Grant, Hamilton, Clinton, and Fulton. Each of these communities are very different both in the demographic we serve and the services/programs available in the area.
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program – Regional Supervisor
Megihann Leininger, MA; Regional Supervisor, North Region
mleinin@purdue.edu 574-223-3397
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
I am very fortunate to work in tandem with the North region Community Wellness Coordinators and Nutrition Education Program Assistants.
Additional Information:
We are always looking for opportunities to partner with agencies who work with SNAP eligible participants.
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program — Community Wellness Coordinators
Betsy Coffing, Community Wellness Coordinator for Tippecanoe, Carroll, Fountain, & Warren Counties
hines21@purdue.edu 765-242-7236
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Potential community garden with Peak Community Services,
- Logansport, IN COVID and Food Work Research Study with
- Purdue University and Cass County
- Potential food pantry donation project with Cass County 4-H
Additional Information:
My focus is Tippecanoe, Carroll, Fountain, and Warren Counties. My work focuses on making the healthy choice the easy choice for the SNAP-eligible population. The 5 focus areas of the Nutrition Education program are: nutrition, food safety, food security, physical activity, and food resource management.
Debbie Mix, Community Wellness Coordinator for Starke, Pulaski, & Jasper Counties
mix0@purdue.edu 574-772-9141
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Ken Craig Community Garden
- Fostering A Recovery Mentality (FARM)
- Moving Starke County Forward Health Coalition
- Starke Taskforce for Overdose Prevention (STOP)
Additional Information:
I haven’t yet begun work in Jasper County.
Mindy Duckett, Community Wellness Coordinator for Fulton and Miami Counties — Emergency Food Assistance State Specialist
duckett@purdue.edu 317-752-7503
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Produce Rx -An 18 week program that included 12 weeks of nutrition education that included Dining With Diabetes and Get WalkIN programs. Each participant received a $20 box of produce each of the 18 weeks and a large incentive for completing the program such as an air fryer.
- Healthy Food pantries and pantry coalitions-Work with local pantries to form a coalition so the work we do can be more efficient and more effective. Many of the trauma informed principles from Leah’s Pantry are being implemented in the pantries. Also working to market Community Compass as a reliable means of accessing healthy food.
- Story Walk– A Story Walk is being installed along a popular trail at Woodlawn Hospital. Three additional sites for Story Walks have been identified around Fulton County and will hopefully be installed by the end of the year.
- Growing Together project– Installed a community garden at Woodlawn Hospital to grow produce that will then be donated to local pantries. The garden is a collaboration between Purdue Extension, Woodlawn Hospital and the Fulton County Food Security Alliance and was funding by the Growing Together grant.
- Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan- A Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan is in the final stages in Rockville.
Veronica Jalomo, Community Wellness Coordinator serving Lake & Benton Counties – Community Gardens and Local Foods State Specialist
vjalomo@purdue.edu 765-412-6136
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Reduce food insecurity among Latinx Migrant Farmworkers across the state of Indiana – Migrant Farmworkers often face countless barriers when trying to access food; including low wages, poor public transportation, and a lack of culturally-appropriate food, among others. Migrant Farmworker listening session in partnership with Proteus, Family Farmed and NWI Food Council brought to light the barriers farmworkers face in accessing food. Farmworkers often face a variety of barriers to accessing food assistance programs or food pantries. The goal is to help reduce food insecurity among farmworker families by providing access to food assistance through on-site (at the farm) mobile pantries or pantries that can be open after hours.
- Partnership with NWI Food Council and Lake County Eats Local — Develop a yearlong campaign surge to increase awareness and redemption of WIC and SNAP on local foods, particularly focusing on young mothers and children ages 0-5. This is being done through several strategies funded by a No Kid Hungry Grant. Listening sessions will be held in Gary and East Chicago with WIC recipients to provide anecdotal accounts of barriers and challenges. Along with the listening sessions, partnerships will be developed with Calument Township Trustees, Lake County WIC offices, the cities of East Chicago and Gary and NWI Community Action to develop and implement a public information campaign around markets accepting SNAP/ WIC with double-up bucks.
Grant funds will be used for double-up bucks program through WIC redemption. - Growing Together Project – Collaborative project between three Community Wellness Coordinators (CWC’s) in Lake County, Extension Master Gardeners, and Extension Ag & Natural Resources Educator to enhance three existing community gardens in each CWC’s community of focus; Hammond, Gary, East Chicago. The goal of this project is to ensure gardening and food access are a reality to ‘everyone’ by focusing the efforts on creating ADA accessible gardening spaces in three partner gardens.
Additional Information:
- Community Wellness Coordinators work with community partners on making healthy choices more accessible for limited resource and underserved communities. They identify and assemble a Community Action Team from multi-sector non-profits, business
leaders, health providers, and city government to conduct the Community Health Assessment and Group Evaluation (CHANGE) Tool to assess current policy, systems, and environmental strategies. Leads Action Team members through the CHANGE
tool assessment process to identify assets and prioritize possible areas of improvement. They help increase the skills and commitment of community leaders and stakeholders to develop and promote lasting strategies that help people make healthy
choices where they live, learn, work, and play. - Community Wellness Coordinators are responsible for leading, coordinating and implementing strategies that focus on NEP’s five focus areas: nutrition, physical activity, food security, food safety, and food resource management. Geographic focus areas:
- Lake County – East Chicago
- Benton County – County Level
- State Specialist – Community Gardens & Local Foods: Work with other State Specialists to develop and coordinate statewide trainings for other Community Wellness Coordinators in content-specific areas related to policy, systems and environmental change initiatives.
Northeast Indiana
Parkview Health
Kylee Bennett, MBA-HCA; Youth Well-being Coordinator
kylee.bennett@parkview.com 260-266-2465
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Program/Site Coordinator for FitKids360, a free healthy lifestyle program for families. It is an 8-week program focusing on nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral health with 30 minutes of activity at every weekly session. Children ages 5-17 years with a Body Mass Index in the 85th percentile or above who are referred by their provider can participate along with at least one adult accompanying them each week
- Lead the Northeast Indiana Farm to School Team, which covers an 11-county region including the counties of Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, Noble, Kosciusko, Wells, LaGrange, Whitley, Wabash, and Steuben. The team is working to create a comprehensive regional Farm to School action plan, develop individual school/district Farm to School implementation plans that tie to the regional plan, and identify gaps in the Farm to School supply chain to help increase procurement of local foods in schools.
- Oversee and provide necessary support to our Planting Healthy Seeds series, including school, summer/before/after-school, and early childcare programming. Each series is accompanied with nutrition and physical activity information in the form of curriculum (tied to the Indiana State Standards), lessons, or professional development sessions.
- Participant of the North and East regions of the Indiana Breakfast Task Force. Committee member for the following health coalitions in Northeast Indiana – Steuben Co., LaGrange Co., Huntington Co., and Noble Co.
Additional Information:
The Youth Well-being Team for Parkview is located in the Northeast; however, we are able and willing to provide support and programming throughout the state. Our focus is on building relationships and partnerships to help positively impact the health and well-being of the youth which provides us with the opportunity to also work with adults including educators, youth workers, administrators, and family members.
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program – Regional Supervisors
Megihann Leininger, MA; Regional Supervisor, North Region
mleinin@purdue.edu 574-223-3397
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
I am very fortunate to work in tandem with the North region Community Wellness Coordinators and Nutrition Education Program Assistants.
Additional Information:
We are always looking for opportunities to partner with agencies who work with SNAP eligible participants.
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program – Community Wellness Coordinators
Jered Blanchard, Community Wellness Coordinator for Allen, DeKalb, & Adams Counties – Farmers Markets State Specialist
blancha1@purdue.edu 260-414-9940
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Power of Produce Clubs at Farmers Markets – I work on developing and supporting the growth and of POP Clubs (Power of Produce) throughout Allen County. The implementation of POP Clubs and/or other youth programing at the farmers market increases the accessibility of the market to families with young children and helps promote the consumption of nutritious fruits and vegetables.
- Johnnie Mae Urban Farm – I work closely with the Johnnie Mae Urban Farm. My role is varied, but includes providing data to the program managers related to the demographics of the community impacted by the project. It also includes supporting the inclusivity of the market though nutrition incentive programs as well as youth engagement programs and outreach to the community.
- Purdue Fort Wayne Farmers Market – I work with a lot of farmers markets across Allen County, but in particular I help coordinate the new Purdue Fort Wayne Farmers Market, the Mastodon Market. This market was created to address the food access issues students face on campus and to try and create another avenue for students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community to access fresh local food.
Additional Information:
My role with Purdue Extension in Allen County focuses largely on addressing food access and food security issues in the community. I work in the realm of policy, systems and environmental change to help make the healthy choice the easy choice.
St. Joseph Community Health Foundation
Meg Distler, Executive Director
mdistler@sjchf.org 260-969-2001 ext. 201
Mary Tyndall, Food Insecurity & DoubleUp Indiana Program Manager
mtyndall@sjchf.org 260-969-2001 ext. 205
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Sponsor HEAL Healthy Eating Active Living in Allen County, IN Our HEALing Kitchen Nutrition & Cooking Classes
- Current USDA GusNIP grantee operating DoubleUp Indiana Fund Allen County, IN Nutrition Incentive Projects
Additional Information:
- Partner with Parkview Health
- Focus is on Allen County, IN
Whitley County Health Department
Carlee LaRue, Health Educator
clarue@whitleygov.com 260-248-3121 ext. 6
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
My job is a mix of a health educator/wellness coordinator, so I don’t just focus on nutrition. However, I am involved with the school corporations’ wellness committees in Whitley County, the Whitley County wellness committee, and the City of Columbia City wellness committee. I also provide education at community events and social media around nutrition.
Additional Information:
My geographic focus is Whitley County only, however, I do focus on all demographics in Whitley County (age, rural/city, nonprofit/for profit, etc.). I would be interested in working with other members on promoting healthier school meals within the schools, as that has been an uphill battle for me.
Southwest Indiana
Indiana University
Center for Rural Engagement
Jacob Simpson, Community Resilience Liaison
jacdsimp@iu.edu 812-5855-9297
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Food as Medicine Pilots and Expansion in Indiana Uplands – Funded by a CDC/IDOH grant, I’m working with Dr. Julia Valliant (PI) to launch three pilot food prescription programs in Greene, Daviess, and Jackson counties and to expand a food prescription program, based in Orange County, to Lawrence, Washington, and Crawford counties. The goal of the project is to address COVID-19 resilience in rural communities by creating cross-sector partnerships that address social determinants of health.
- Indiana Uplands Winter Food Conference – This annual conference, having its third convening in 2022, brings together food system stakeholders in the Indiana Uplands and across the state to learn and network with each other. The conference content is tailored to emerging opportunities and needs, including local food value chain development, food as medicine, and trauma-informed food security.
- Local Food, Local Good Report – In 2020, Jodee Smith, Claire Frohman, and I published a report on a twelve-county listening tour in the Indiana Uplands related to local food system development. Community stakeholders shared how they would like to develop their local food system, often citing access to healthy, local food as a priority. This report can be used to inform project development in the future.
Healthy IU
Samantha Schaefer, MS, RD, CD, FAND; Manager, Healthy IU/Registered Dietitian
scschaef@iu.edu 812-856-2761
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Board of Directors
- Food drives and support for Pantry 279 in Ellettsville
- Indiana Produce markets at some IU campuses
Additional Information:
Healthy IU serves IU full-time employees and their spouses on an IU
medical plan at 9 campus locations across the state.
Indiana Clinical And Translational Sciences Institute At Indiana University School Of Medicine
Karen Hinshaw, Associate Program Director for Connections IN Health
kdhinsha@iu.edu 317-416-9134
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Connections IN Health includes four statewide chronic disease initiatives:
- The Indiana Joint Asthma Coalition (InJAC)
- The Health Equity and Cancer Control Initiative
- The Hoosier Health and Wellness Alliance (HHWA)
- The Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition of Indiana (CADI)
Additional Information:
- The Connections IN Health team is strategically engaging with stakeholders, one county at a time, across the state of Indiana to build relationships and participate in community meetings to share evidenced based resources and improve health outcomes. The Connections IN Health County Engagement Team includes members from the selected counties who facilitate connections and identify collaborative opportunities to impact health. The team is engaging with stakeholders in Blackford County and Washington County in 2021. If you have connections in either of these counties and would like to get involved, please contact Karen.
- The Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI), the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH), and the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center (IUSCCC) have come together to strengthen their partnership to improve health in Indiana by forming Connections IN Health. This alliance unites the state’s health coalition development work, and the IUSCC’s community and engagement initiatives with that of Indiana CTSI. Connections IN Health is led by the Indiana CTSI’s Community Health Partnerships program, which works to improve health in Indiana through community-university partnerships and community-based health research. Connections IN Health supports stakeholders, organizations, advocates, and residents as they come together to improve health and address chronic diseases. Connections IN Health facilitates collaboration within communities by connecting stakeholders with evidence-based practices, identifying funding sources, and addressing health equity for all.
Indiana University Food Institute
Jodee Smith, Assistant Director
ellett@iu.edu 812-855-3091
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Orange County Farm to Health (through 2022 and expansion projects in south central Indiana) – working with small grocery cooperative, Lost River Market and Deli in Paoli, IN to coordinate production and purchasing from local farmers to fill Store CSA boxes and Produce Rx programming with local health partners.
- Culinary Medicine (ongoing) – working with Chef Dr Mike from the University of Montana to conduct pilot study with patients on NOVA 4 classified foods or ultra-processed foods (UPFs)
- Professional Development for Food as Medicine (through 2022) – working with Chef Dr Mike or other professional development programs for doctors, nurses, dieticians, health foundations and educators to learn more about the various ways food can be used as medicine for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Funding available for professionals through the Indiana SARE PDP program.
Additional Information:
Major Partners: Indiana Department of Education: Statewide. Particular
interest in opportunities for rural areas.
School of Public Health
Alyce D Fly, PhD; Professor, Nutrition Science and Dietetics – School of Public
afly@iu.edu 812-855-7975
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Completed USDA Team Nutrition Grant with Indiana Department of Education; included 3 projects, 1) professional education for food service workers on Dietary Guidelines with a celebrity chef, 2) created and tested a new Family and Consumer Science teacher nutrition curriculum on the 2015- 2020 Dietary Guidelines, and 3) created and evaluated Power up with Produce, an athlete mentor program for elementary school children promoting fruit and vegetables and the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines.
- Completed USDA Team Nutrition Grant with Indiana Department of Education; included 3 projects, 1) professional education for food service workers on Dietary Guidelines with a celebrity chef, 2) created and tested a new Family and Consumer Science teacher nutrition curriculum on the 2015- 2020 Dietary Guidelines, and 3) created and evaluated Power up with Produce, an athlete mentor program for elementary school children promoting fruit and vegetables and the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines.
Additional Information:
Major Partners: Indiana Department of Education: Statewide. Particular
interest in opportunities for rural areas.
Katherine Jochim Pope, RN MPH; Project Manager
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Improving access and availability of fruits and vegetables
- Assessing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption patterns in preschool-aged children
- Understanding strengths and barriers to healthy lifestyles in preschool-aged children in rural communities
Additional Information:
I am the Project Manager on a research project in Greene County that aims to inform a community intervention to prevent obesity in children aged 2-5-years old in rural communities. Dr. Temitope Erinosho is the primary investigator of the project.
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program – Regional Supervisors
Jill Tuley Walters, Regional Supervisor, West Region
jtuley@purdue.edu 812-435-5287
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Indiana Regional School Breakfast Task Force West Region
- Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition of Indiana, Connections IN Health – oversee Vermillion county (one of the selected counties)
- IDOH, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity – work closely with SNAP-Ed Coordinators.
Additional Information:
- Community Wellness Coordinators (CWC) across region – initiatives include: SNAP at farmers’ markets, school breakfast, Choice food pantries/integrating HATCH distribution at pantries, food rescue, food prescription, community gardens, worksite wellness, healthy community designations, bike share, painted play zones, gleaning
- Nutrition Education Program Assistants (NEPA) across region – offering nutrition education classes/cooking demos for SNAP-Ed eligible clients in a variety of community settings: schools, public housing, WIC, libraries, food pantries, community centers, senior centers, health clinics, recovery centers, and YMCAs.
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program- Community Wellness Coordinators
Allison Finzel, Community Wellness Coordinator for Vigo & Vermillion Counties
afinzel@purdue.edu 812-249-7475
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
I started Wabash Valley Food Rescue and have been rescuing food from the schools in Vigo County for the last 4 years. Members of my community came together to start an award-
winning Food as a Prescription Program focusing on Type 2 diabetes. I have worked to start a Food Processing Program. This program works to help with extra produce that often comes with large community gardens. We utilize a large commercial kitchen and volunteers to process and freeze vegetables for use in soup kitchens in the winter when produce is often more expensive and harder to obtain.
Urban Seeds
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Nourish Community Food Buying Club
- Meal Planning, Shopping, and Cooking on a Budget education classes
- Book n’ Cook; acting as the fiscal agent for the Market on Main farmers market, and as the organization with the FNS contract to manage SNAP at the farmers markets.
Additional Information:
We are focused on growing a vibrant local foods system. This is being accomplished in the following ways:
- Build relationships that support local growers and producers
- Create and disseminate messaging about the economic and health benefits of eating local foods
- Community education for Nourish members, schools, faith-based groups and organizations, corporate leaders, and other partners
Southeast Indiana
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program – Regional Supervisor
Ashley Roberts, MS; Regional Supervisor, East Region
robertae@purdue.edu 812-583-5436
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Several Community Wellness Coordinators (CWC) in the East are working on improving nutrition and food access in schools.
- Examples include: working on food rescue in the cafeteria, healthy snack option policies, school gardens, and healthy food options at lunch and breakfast
- Many CWCs in the East are working on improving access to nutritious foods through healthy food donations at pantries, farmer’s markets accepting SNAP/ WIC vouchers/Senior vouchers, double up buck programs and food hubs.
- Other CWC initiative types include: food prescription programs, community gardens, worksite wellness, healthy community designations, and bike share
- Our Nutrition Education Program Assistants (NEPAs) are offering nutrition education classes/cooking demos for SNAP-Ed eligible clients in a variety of community settings: schools, public housing, WIC, libraries, food pantries, community centers, senior centers, health clinics, recovery centers, and YMCAs.
- Serving on the East region Indiana School Breakfast Task Force
- Community Wellness Coordinator in Grant County is partnering with efforts through the Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition of Indiana, Connections IN Health.
Purdue University Extension Nutrition Education Program – Community Wellness Coordinators
Annie Eakin, Community Wellness Coordinator for Lawrence, Monroe, & Brown Counties- Grants Specialist
aeakin@purdue.edu 812-679-7982
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- School gardens
- Senior Nutrition Program
- County Parks
- Workplace Wellness Programs
- Expanding WIC and SNAP acceptance at local farmers markets
Katelyn Kutemeier, Community Wellness Coordinator for Bartholomew, Jackson, & Washington Counties – School Wellness State Specialist
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Increasing SNAP and double bucks at farmers markets
- Implementing Power of Produce (P.O.P) club.
- Implementing breakfast in the classroom
- Increasing nutrition resources at a local food pantry
- Bartholomew County Food Insecurity Coalition facilitator for 2021 – One initiative for the group in 2021 is to work with community partners to host a virtual training for service providers to understand eligibility for SNAP, the application process, and what items can and can not be purchased with SNAP dollars.
Jeff Walker MPH, RDN, Community Wellness Coordinator for Jennings, Ripley, & Dearborn Counties
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
- Local Food Purchase Assistance grant
- Forming a county-level nutrition security coalition
- Developing photovoice workshop program targeted toward teenagers
- In addition to nutrition-related work, I have been involved in several built environment and culture of health projects focused on physical activity, thanks to the Joining Jennings for Healthy Living action team and other partners. I also have experience working alongside local government, economic development, and community development partners; and I currently serve as an elected official for the Town of Vernon.
Thrive Alliance
Shelby Eggers, Healthcare Integrations and Community Education Manager
seggers@thrive-alliance.org 812-372-6918 ext. 3011
Nutrition-related initiatives/committees that you currently work on:
I oversee the Senior Nutrition Program at Thrive Alliance as well as coordinate evidence-based health programs to the community. I also am apart of Joining Jennings for Healthy Living, which is a group designed to bring nutrition and physical activity to the community of Jennings County.
Additional Information:
Thrive Alliance is an Area Agency on Aging.