Built Environment
Collaboration, Coalitions, and Grants
If you have questions regarding grants in this space, please contact Annie Eakin, Grants Specialist at aeakin@purdue.edu.
If you have questions regarding collaboration and coalitions in this space, please contact Ashlee Sudbury at avniehau@purdue.edu.
Emergency Food Assistance
If you have questions regarding emergency food assistance, please contact Mindy Duckett at duckett@purdue.edu.
Farmers Markets
If you have questions regarding farmers markets, please contact Jered Blanchard at blancha1@purdue.edu or Lacy Wilson at wilso766@purdue.edu.
Health Equity
SNAC Health Equity Statement
The Indiana State Nutrition Action Committee (SNAC) recognizes that racism causes severe, pervasive, and persistent health inequities for people identifying as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and that other systems of oppression cause inequities based on characteristics such as age, sex, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomics, and national origin. These inequities are uniquely prevalent within food systems, where the burden (high rates of chronic illness, food insecurity) is disproportionately shouldered by marginalized populations. Therefore, SNAC is committed to identifying, naming, and dismantling systems of oppression. SNAC will employ an intersectional antiracist framework to inform all network strategies and activities.
Local Foods and Community Gardens
If you have questions regarding local foods and community gardens, please contact Veronica Jalomo at vjalomo@purdue.edu.
Nutrition Education & SNAP-Ed
Nutrition Education Program Advisors (NEPAs) work with communities as a part of the Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program. They provide direct nutrition education in a wide variety of settings, including WIC clinics, YMCAs, schools, and community centers. If you are interested in a NEPA providing a class in your community, please contact them (see the contact list download above). You may also sign up for a free class through the Nutrition Education Program website.
(Classes are offered to community members who qualify for SNAP benefits. They do not necessarily have to be utilizing benefits to attend a class. Schools with a free and reduced lunch rate of 50% or more also qualify for these classes.)
School Nutrition
If you have questions regarding school nutrition, please contact Katelyn Kutemeier at kkutemei@purdue.edu.