State Nutrition Action Committee
**While the WIC Mobile Unit is not attending these locations during the pandemic, mothers with children under the age of 5, pregnant women or post-partum and breastfeeding women, can still call any clinic in Marion County or the WIC Mobile Unit to receive services over the phone. The WIC Mobile Unit plans to be back on the road beginning October 5th. All clinics plan to reopen and complete all services in-person beginning October 1st (this date is subject to change).
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, all WIC appointments will be completed by telephone. WIC benefits will be loaded remotely. PLEASE DO NOT come into the WIC office until further notice. If you have a scheduled appointment, staff will call you to complete over the telephone. If you are in need of an appointment, please call a WIC clinic directly.
Marion County WIC Website:
WIC Mobile Unit Website: