
Webinar: Examining Whiteness in the Food System


The Indiana Grown for Schools Network is excited to offer May’s webinar entitled Examining Whiteness in the Food System. This webinar focuses on how white dominant cultural narratives play out in food insecurity and food access in the United States. The webinar frames ways in which whiteness impacts the food system, based in an historical context of structural racism. We […]

Webinar: Transform Your Pantry with Volunteers

Online Event

Volunteers are an essential part of the charitable food system. As you incorporate the More Than Food Framework, volunteers can often play a new role at the food pantry. Join the Foodshare Institute for Hunger Research & Solutions to hear from pantries across the country about the inventive ways they have reimagined volunteer roles and […]

Webinar: Advancing Continuity of Care through Warm Hand-offs & Care Accountability


The National Association of County and City Health Officials is hosting a webinar titled "Advancing Continuity of Care through Warm Hand-offs & Care Accountability". This is the fourth webinar of the eight-part series: "Every Step of the Way through the 1,000 Days: Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support Blueprint." This session will discuss implementing a care coordination system from the […]

Webinar: Understanding Barriers to Equity wtihin Farmers Markets

Online Event

During this one hour webinar, Dr. James Farmer will walk us through research and findings pertaining to barriers to achieving equity within farmers markets and how we can begin to address those barriers. Register For Event >

Indiana Rural Health Association 24th Annual Rural Health Conference

French Lick, Indiana

The Indiana Rural Health Association Annual Conference brings together physicians, nurses, pharmacists, public health professionals, and many other rural health professionals. Practitioners from the field and national experts discuss current topics in public health and rural health. Register For Event >