
Advancing Food Security for Military Families Self-Paced Course

Free self-paced learning opportunity Advancing Food Security for Military Families is a self-paced course developed by national food security expert Dr. Angela Odoms-Young. Use this professional development opportunity to expand […]


SNAC Webinar: Food Councils 101

In this webinar, staff from the Northwest Indiana Food Council will be discussing the formation and logistics of local food councils. Presenters will talk more about how a food council […]


Multigenerational Nutrition Influences on Health and Disease

The overarching goal of this event is to address research opportunities and challenges related to nutrition- and diet-related exposures and outcomes that travel within, across, and between families and generations. […]


K12 Foodservice Training

Schools that allocated pounds to processors are required to monitor and manage those pounds for proper inventory management. IDOE is hosting a training for each commodity tracking website. Learn how to monitor and manage processor pounds, select distributors, run reports and review months on hand. Join the Foodservice training at this link You can also […]


ProcessorLink Training

Schools that allocated pounds to processors are required to monitor and manage those pounds for proper inventory management. IDOE is hosting a training for each commodity tracking website. Learn how to monitor and manage processor pounds, select distributors, run reports and review months on hand.


Trauma-Informed Nutrition Security for Community Agencies

The Indiana Department of Health is offering Leah’s Pantry’s Trauma Informed Nutrition Security Training (TINS) for FREE to all professionals and community members who engage with individuals around nutrition and/or want to understand the relationship between trauma-informed care and nourishment. This unique training will bring a fresh perspective to your program/work with the objective of […]


The Food Forum 30th Anniversary Symposium

Food Forum will host an event that will explore and reflect on the major developments in the field of food, nutrition, and agriculture over the past 30 years, and how […]


Coalition Building Workshop

Join us on May 21st in partnership with Jenkins LLC to learn and apply coalition-building training. The learning objectives include defining coalition building, recognizing the essential elements of capacity building […]